Digital Transformation – Migration from Legacy System to Cloud
During the unprecedented times, many industries and sectors are reshaping themselves especially in, economic, health and social factors. Most businesses have been shifted over the cloud and adopt digital transformation for their safety measures.
Concept of digital transformation – cloud migration is where you move and manage data with more efficiently over the cloud. E-commerce is the best example to understand digital transformation. Consumers want flexible and faster buying process when it comes to shop online so they can browse to their favorite shops from ease of their comfort. No matter what sell and what platform you use. You need a scalable solution that meets the demands of both your customers and business. Trend of e-commerce are giving several benefits to consumers like in today’s times people love to do online shopping and wants to save their time. So, through e-commerce, people can easily buy or sell their respective things, and this will help to save time of both retailers or customers like the retailers can easily save their customers’ requirements or relevant information related to product in the database and customers can easily search their needy things in online platform. Also, there are so many people who wants to start their business through e-commerce platform and searching the right strategies for design an application or website for their products because, once you know what business models are available and what you need, it will be easier to determine how you will run your online store, and how you will produce your business. But it is noticed that not every business follows same type of migration, all uses different ways to their successful transformation. We have seen cloud services becomes global adoption in the last few years and in these COVID-19 situation many businesses have been relying on Cloud services more. If we speak about digital transformation, it plays an important role in the development industry. Some businesses successfully adopt and migrate over the cloud, but some businesses are still unaware of right strategies and using wrong ones and as a result employees and managers face some business losses. So, it is necessary that while towards migration we should have knowledge about the right tools and technologies as it helps us to improve the businesses.
What is Cloud Migration
Cloud Migration refers to a sort of physical move, it involves moving data, applications, or different IT holding element from an old on-premises context to the right data centre over a cloud.
Cloud Migration also relates to moving data from one cloud to another cloud. A migration may involve moving all or just some assets.
Benefits of Cloud Migration
There are numerous benefits of cloud migration. At a very basic level, the general goal or benefit of any cloud migration is to host applications in the most effective way possible with minimal cost expense and in addition to performance and security.
Why Migrate Towards Cloud
Move to this digital transformation means the easiest way of managing and accessing the data. You can manage your documents and important business files or other data efficiently through a cloud.
Cloud with its special feature of Cloud Security. It is one of the best features of cloud computing. It provides facilities of data may not get lost even if one of the servers or host gets damaged.
Who Migrate Towards Cloud?
We are seeing that every organization whether its new or old look to cloud computing not for its IT Department only but for the whole organization. Even organization’s internal applications can be hosted on Azure. File Server is one of an example of it. From being a good choice for business to a necessity for business. Business leaders have revealed how cloud computing technology brings new innovations, expand a business in a more hassle-free environment. Like I have plenty of examples of businesses that are cloud services provider some of those are Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.

Cloud Migration Steps
Nowadays most businesses are considering cloud computing because this move is filled with more flexibility and security. Most importantly it is more reliable and fast in deployment.
Some are the basics steps everyone should follow while moving over cloud.
- Access the on-premises environment and application fleet.
- Map application and data dependencies and topologies.
- Select application for cloud migration.
- Develop a migration plan and process flow for important details such as data, account log in and connections to dependent app.
- Create the appropriate cloud hosting environment for a legacy migration.
- Simulate application images and dependencies.
- Test application in user friendly environment to simulate real world conditions.
- Check the final environment for security and performance.
Challenges of Cloud Migration
- Managing Cost
To keep cloud migration costs low, we should focus on planning. Prepare a clear management plan, write clear scope and requirements. Not all companies fully migrated over the cloud. Some are on public clouds; some are on On-prem or hybrid clouds. It all depends upon financial risk.
- Complexity
It is noticed that public cloud is common and easier to manage, as it has more scalability and flexibility. Also reduced complexity while private and hybrid clouds are more complex and have limited framework. We should have to be capable of handling the complexities for a successful migration.
- Dependencies
Before migrating, designing and clear mapping dependencies are important because without consideration of the dependent attributes can cause serious issues. To avoid this issue, we have cloud provider tools to avoid this problem.
- Legacy Application
Moving existing legacy systems to cloud infrastructure is difficult and cost effective because the process may involve technical and non-technical resources and challenges. So, decide before what techniques shall be applied, what will be worthwhile to rebuild.
Tools for Cloud Migration
Cloud Migration tools are varying scenario to scenario. There are some basic tools which can help during cloud migration process.

Future of Cloud Migration
No one can predict the future, but we can say it by analyzing the current digital transformation and cloud computing has become the hottest topic of the century because of its cost effectiveness and many businesses are migrating the IT resources over the cloud for their growth. But without the right plan and solutions, migrating to the Cloud can be quite complex and costly. Cloud computing itself has so many features which makes its future brighter especially in the IT sector. We can connect everything to cloud computing easily, that is why many organizations are migrating, and we can see either a large or small business the volume of migration is increasing day by day, because with the help of the cloud, businesses are able to manage and store data in a quick and easiest way. However, migrating to cloud is beneficial but not mandatory. It depends upon needs because every organization has different challenges and requirements.